Day 17 - Psalm 69

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Day 17 - Psalm 69

Have you ever been disliked without cause? The Psalmist David pours out his heart to God as he is hated without reason (v4). Not only is he hated, he is being persecuted for his faith in God. (v9) There is a rawness of David’s emotions and great intimacy with God that allows Him to urgently plea for God to save him. David states in v5 that his folly and guilt is not hidden from God- This is not a contradiction, but rather a plea of innocence in this case. David acknowledges that he has done some foolish things in the past and is to be read “if I was sinful in this case God would know”. 

This Psalm not only tells of David’s experience but prophetically points to Jesus and can be read as the suffering Saviour. Read this Psalm again through the eyes of Jesus. Jesus was hated without reason by numerous people who wanted to kill him and even quotes verse 4 Himself in John 15:25. Verse 4 “I am forced to restore what I did not steal”. Jesus paid a debt that was not His own. He paid our debt of sin, by dying on the cross in our place for our sin. Jesus was innocent and has no folly or guilt. 

V6 Jesus suffered for those who put their hope in Him, that they would not be disgraced. The purpose of the cross was to bring grace to us, for us not to be put to shame as He takes our shame upon himself (v7). 

Jesus was not acknowledged by his half siblings as the son of God (v8) (until the resurrection) and John 2:17 directly quotes v9 as Jesus turned over the tables of the money changers in the Temple. 

David in v13 prays to God in the time of favour. Because of Jesus the time of favour is now and will forever remain for those who believe in Him as our salvation is sure. V14-18 describe David’s emotions and give us some insight into the feelings Jesus may have had in this moment of vulnerability on the cross. 

V21 is a prophesy that is fulfilled by Jesus on the cross in John 19:29-30. 

V22-28 is a prophesy of judgement and destruction of God’s enemies. It is referred to in Romans 11:9-10 and Matthew 23:38. Those that are unbelievers have shut themselves out of God’s blessing as they eyes are blind (Darkened in pride and self will). 

V30-36 David returns from his feelings to praise and gains perspective on God’s truth that he hears the needy so will hear His cries. God saves and rebuilds but it’s our job as God’s people to settle into the position already won at the cross, for us to possess it, which requires us to renew our mind to this perspective. There is a promise that God’s children will inherit and dwell in this. Know that whatever trials you may be going through your victory is your children’s legacy. Gain a greater perspective to see any temptation or trial as an opportunity to possess truth and to impart this to others. 

Think it over / Mediate on: 

  • There are 245 million Christians persecuted around the world a year, this equates to 1 in 9 Christians and this figure keeps rising and persecution is on the increase. They suffer for His name sake. Pray that their faith will remain and that they can encourage one another. 

  • David was so zealous for God it led to his persecution. How would you rate your level of comfort? We enjoy religious freedom in this country, but this tolerance can dim our passion for God in sharing Him with those around us regardless of their response. Pray for greater boldness as you identify with Christ in your everyday life. 

  • What trial are you going through that you need to gain a greater perspective? After pouring your heart out to God in raw emotion, declare truth, settle in it and possess this- owning it for yourself that you can impart this to others leaving a spiritual inheritance in your victory


Katherine Parsons, Lead Pastor - Sutton Central location