Day 3 - Psalm 8

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Day 3 - Psalm 8

This psalm is a wonderful song of worship to God for who He is and all He has made! It is so good to remind ourselves regularly of the God that we serve.

It begins with an exclamation of praise to God as King, majestic in all the earth and glorious in all the heavens. (v1)

Verse 2 is quoted by Jesus in Matthew 21:15. The children begin shouting about Jesus, “Hosanna (save us) son of David!”

When the Chief priests criticise him for this, he quotes from verse 2 “Have you never read, ‘From the lips of children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise?”

Jesus was always careful to show that children are as much a part of his kingdom as adults, but the purpose here is to show that He is the Messiah spoken about in the Old Testament.

The psalm goes on to speak of God’s creation and how we seem so small and insignificant in comparison to the vast universe that God has created. However, He is mindful of us. We are the pinnacle of God’s creation and He made us to rule over it. Amazingly, He made us a little lower than the angels and crowned us with glory and honour as we rule over all His creation.

Let’s not miss verse 5, where it also points to Jesus. Whilst the psalmist is speaking about all human kind; where he says ‘them’ it can also be translated to ‘Him’, which points us to Jesus, who humbled Himself and was truly ‘crowned with glory and honour’ over all things including death when he rose again from the dead.

Think it over / Meditate on:

  • Write a list of all the things that you praise God for in your life and thank God for all of them. At the end of the day reflect on how you feel after a day of thankfulness.

  • Today as you go about your day, consider God’s creation, take time to look at the creation around you and appreciate it’s beauty and discover the wonder that He cares for you amongst it all.


Ben Parsons, Lead Pastor - Sutton Central location