Day 6 - Psalm 22

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Day 6 - Psalm 22
In Jesus’ time, the psalms were not numbered as they are today, instead they were known by the first line and many would have been memorised.

Jesus on the cross as He took the sins of the world on himself calls out “My God my God why have you forsaken me” (Matt 27:46).

He quotes the first line of this psalm, and by doing so brought to mind for those who heard Him, the rest of the psalm.

As well as expressing the spiritual suffering he was experiencing, he also showed everyone that Psalm 22 was a prophecy all about Him.

To show just how amazingly accurate this prophetic Psalm is, I have put the verses alongside the accounts of Jesus death:


Amazingly, David, inspired by the Holy Spirit writes “they pierce my hands and feet” what’s so amazing about this is that this psalm was written 400 years before crucifixion even existed! He goes on to predict many other aspects including what would happen to Jesus clothes!

The psalm ends from verse 19 with great praise to God and speaks of what His death on the cross has done for us. Jesus wasn’t abandoned by God, He was raised to life 3 days later. He did not despise or scorn his suffering v24.

David goes on to say how he will declare the goodness of God. In the same way we are called to declare the gospel, the good news of Jesus death and resurrection to all. To tell each generation that “HE HAS DONE IT!” V31

Think it over / Meditate on

  • Today allow this psalm to sink in. The great detail that God planned and predicted to show Jesus was the Messiah. The great detail God planned to save you.

  • Are you declaring the good news of Jesus?


Ben Parsons, Lead Pastor - Sutton Central location