Day 2 - Yes I Will


Day 2 - Yes I Will (Vertical Worship)

If we’re honest, when things don’t go our way or we’re angry or upset about something, we’re like a child who reacts with a tantrum or a teenager who storms off; we’ve just learned to be less public and internalise our frustrations! 

Psalm 34 says:  

I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises. I will boast only in the Lord; let all who are helpless take heart. Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness; let us exalt his name together. 

But how often do we just not want to praise, not want to engage! How often do we approach worship, going to church/gathering for Church Online, or jumping onto Zoom for Connect Group I have to? This new song ‘Yes I Will’ is a reflection of Psalm 34 – and makes the strong statement of ‘I WILL’! 

The chorus says: 

Yes I will, lift You high in the lowest valley 

Yes I will, bless Your name 

Oh, yes I will, sing for joy when my heart is heavy 

All my days, oh yes I will 

It’s a choice, a decision and one we have to make all the time. 

Just last week, in a moment, negative thoughts flew to my mind and I thought of every reason why something wouldn’t be possible...then this song came on in the car and these words suddenly ‘shouted’ right to the heart: 

The same God that never fails Will not fail me now You won't fail me now In the waiting The same God who's never late Is working all things out You're working all things out  

He won’t fail me the waiting, the same God who’s never late is working all things out! Yes He is! I suddenly sang that song with a new gusto (not sure if Tim realised, why I suddenly burst into song!)  

This is a song that builds with awesome proclamations! Sing it today: - what a faithful God we serve! 

Think it over / Meditate on: 

  • Use Psalm 34 and the song today  - read it, churn it over, what is God saying to you as you read it.  

  • Reflect on how God has provided for you; financially, for work, for solution, friendships and so on – thank Him and glorify Him today 

Written by Senior Pastor Charmaine