Day 26 - King Of Kings


Day 26 - King Of Kings (Hillsong Worship)

The Church; the Bride of Christ, the Body of Christ, a House, a Home...she is known by many names, and each represent a different facet and meaning to her function and beauty. I’ve grown up all my life in church, attending church, barely missing a Service or meeting, involved in all kinds of ways and over the years realised I have a God-given love for the Church globally and the local expression I have found myself in. 

This relatively new worship song King of Kings, did something in me as I listened for the first time and then subsequent times that I’ve sung it. Musically it builds to these verses below that are my favourite: 

And the morning that You rose All of Heaven held its breath '

Til that stone was moved for good For the Lamb had conquered death 

And the dead rose from their tombs And the angels stood in awe 

For the souls of all who'd come To the Father are restored 

And the Church of Christ was born Then the Spirit lit the flame 

Now this gospel truth of old Shall not kneel, shall not faint 

By His blood and in His name In His freedom I am free 

For the love of Jesus Christ Who has resurrected me! 

“And the Church Of Christ was born”...previous verses journey through the life of Jesus, His birth, His death, resurrection and now we get to THE CHURCH! The crescendo is about to hit and we’re declaring that the Holy Spirit came and that the gospel will stand – you can’t not but get excited and punch the air when singing it with all you’ve got! (It can’t just be me?!) 

So what’s so great and important about the Church?..Jesus says this in Matthew 16:18 “I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it!” 

Jesus reminds us immediately that as He builds, we are in a battle! We are to be engaged in warfare to fight against the enemy so God can continue to build His Church. Do you recognise you’re in a spiritual battle? In 1 Corinthians 12, we are told that the Church is Christ’s body and like a body it is made up of many parts, each part as important as the other. Do you realise your place in the church is as important as the next person and you have a part to play in building and growing with others? In Ephesians 5:22, the Apostle Paul compares the relationship of husband and wife to that of God and His church; Christ loves His Church, His bride and so should we.  

Even in this season where we’ve not been able to physically gather; we have become the church scattered, but we’re still the church. We are Christ’s representatives. It’s easy to forget the power and strength that comes from being the gathered church in these times, but don’t get complacent – it’s not the time to disengage, all the more we need to stay connected and encourage others to do the same (Hebrews 10:25) . Pick up the phone, pray for them, send the text message, send a gift. Commit to praying for a family or person you miss seeing, ask them how you can pray for them. Invite another household to be in your home on a Sunday, watch Church Online and choose to engage in worship and the Word together. We are in a battle and the enemy wants to steal, kill and destroy your passion and your love for His church. Don’t let him, not one bit. Let’s not get lethargic or apathetic as followers of Jesus Christ. Engage in battle, strap on your armour and fight. Fight the comfort, the ease, things that distract you, all the excuses that prevent you from being in His Presence in His Word and with others (as is possible at this time).  

This song can stir something in you again; I pray that it does that as you listen and worship with it, declare the words and believe it. It's not a song you can sing in your head, so try it in the car, in the shower (like I do!) or somewhere in your home today. I cannot wait for us to sing this together at the top of our lungs! 

Think it over / Mediate on: 

  • Pray for those you know who are in need of community a place to call home and to build friendship. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to pray for them and maybe invite them to catch Church Online this weekend 

  • Listen and declare this song today with conviction  

  • It’s easy to forget we’re in a spiritual battle. Maybe today you need to dust off your armour and set it right again - Read Ephesians 6:10-18. 

  • Pray for our church C3 UNITEDLIFE, Ewell & Sutton Central, that she continues to grow in strength, power and influence for God’s protection over us and His continued provision.  

  • Pray for the Church globally that as the Word of God goes wider through digital platforms, that many will find a place to belong, a community to call home and the person of Jesus Christ to call Saviour.  


Written by Senior Pastor Charmaine