Day 29 - Faithful One, So Unchanging


Day 29 - Faithful One, So Unchanging (Brian Doerksen)

If you were to ask me what my favourite characteristic of God was, I would say His faithfulness. 

God is completely faithful, his never changing nature is an essential part of His character upon which the rest of His character is held. 

Whatever we think we know about God, it all rides on his faithfulness as without it, he could change tomorrow! 

The lyrics to the song are below: 

Faithful one, so unchanging 

Ageless one, you’re my rock of peace 

Lord of all I depend on you 

I call out to you, again and again 

I call out to you, again and again 


You are my rock in times of trouble 

You lift me up when I fall down 

All through the storm 

Your love is, the anchor 

My hope is in You alone  

You can listen to the song here:

His faithfulness means he is unchanging, Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. 

it is on this fact that all of our faith in Him rests. We cannot have faith in Him, unless He is faithful. 

Everything in this world is unreliable, it is temporary and constantly changing, because God never changes, He is our only rock and anchor in the chaos of life. 

Often when we struggle in life we question God’s faithfulness, but it is our faithfulness to Him we should be questioning, will we trust him through it all? Will we remain faithful even when we don’t understand? 

When I sing this song I am grateful to God that He is faithful to me, even if I am unfaithful and wavering in my faithfulness and trust. 

 Think it over / Meditate on: 

  • Meditate on the unchanging nature of God, why is it important that He is faithful and never changing? 

  • If you are struggling at the moment, do not doubt God’s faithfulness to you, instead spend time thanking God that He is always faithful through it all. 

  • Are there areas of your life where you are not being faithful to God? Where you are not trusting Him as you should? Pray, and decide today to change your mindset in these things and trust your Faithful, unchanging, Father God. 

Written by Pastor Ben (Lead Pastor - C3 UL Sutton Central)