Day 25 - Psalm 100

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Day 25 - Psalm 100

This is a psalm of praise and exaltation to God! Similar to Psalm 95, it uses action words to draw us in and encourage us to, ‘shout’, ‘worship’, ‘know’, ‘enter’ and ‘give thanks’! It doesn't just leave us there either, but tells us how to shout, to worship and so on. 

Shouting for joy – have you ever done that?! I think about cheering for people or when they’ve won something, or at the end of a performance, we ‘whoop’ for joy! – this psalm wants everyone, all the earth to shout for joy to God! 

Worship with gladness – when we take our eyes off our own circumstances and choose to worship God, we are to worship Him with a cheerful heart. He has given us eternal life, salvation, Heaven is our home – what songs will rise up from our hearts and out of our mouths when we worship Him with gladness! 

Know that the Lord is God – verse 3 reminds us that God is our Creator and our Shepherd – He has brought us into the family of God! Remember again who He is! 

There’s encouragement in every single verse! 

We are then given vital keys to entering God’s presence in verse 4. Firstly, with thanksgiving and then with praise. No matter what you might be feeling today, choose primarily to thank God for who He is – your Redeemer, your Father, your Healer, your Provider, your Refuge, your King and so on! And why do we do this, verse 5 tells us, “For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.”  

Think it over / Meditate on: 

  • Write your own psalm of praise today! Allow words of thanks and gratitude to come out of your heart 

  • If you need to know again today that God is all those things listed above and more – ask the Holy Spirit fill you and give you a fresh revelation of who God is 


Charmaine Croxson, Senior Leader