Day 26 - Psalm 103
Psalm 103 is one of David's greatest praise songs, he begins in verse 1 joyfully by calling on his soul to praise The Lord and continues to speak of all the wonderful reasons he has to praise God.
He reminds himself of all Gods benefits, his forgiveness, his healing power, (v3) how he turned his life around and showed him grace (v4-5)
Verse 6 speaks of God as judge, judging justly and with righteousness. How God has made known His ways to us through the bible. (v6)
Verse 8 to 12 could easily have been written after Jesus died and rose again, we serve the same God as David, and we have an even greater covenant (see Hebrews 7:22).
God’s love for you is as high as the heavens, and he has removed your sins from you as far as the east is from west, what an amazing truth!
God is our father and we are his children, as any loving father does he has compassionate on us, (v13) he knows that without Him we are just dust and our lives are a drop in the ocean compared to eternity, (14-16) but his love is eternal, it is from everlasting to everlasting, His love continues through generations (v17) I love to see a life transformed by God, but even more than that I love to see a family transformed, and so does God!
The Lord is the High King over all things, people's and places, we join with all of heaven's Angels as we worship him with all our soul. (v19-22)
Think it over / Meditate on:
Do you need God to heal you? Or renew your youth? Declare these verses over yourself as you pray today.
Pray for your whole family to be saved! Don't give up on loved ones even if it's painful, God is in the business of saving families and generations. (v17)
What does it means that God has removed our sins as far as the east is from the west? How does that effect the way we think about our sin?
Ben Parsons, Lead Pastor - Sutton Central location