Day 11 – Psalm 38
Have you ever done something wrong that left you with tremendous regret and pain? Something that you just wish you could undo?
Knowing we have done wrong robs us of our peace, our conscience can keep us awake at night and drive us into deep regret, depression and very dark places.
In this psalm David is pouring out his heart in such distress and pain, both physical and mental.
David knows he has committed great sin and knows that he is deserving of God’s anger (wrath) against him (V3). His sin is effecting his whole life, even effecting his health. He knows that he deserves to be punished for his sin and we sense David’s desperate regret and repentance in this psalm. All he can do is call on God to have mercy on him. David needs a Saviour (v22) and he holds on to hope, knowing that God will answer. (V15)
This world and it’s many religions offers us no way out from this problem of sin. All they offer is the idea that we can somehow cover up our wrong doing by doing good. This is futile, it may make us feel better in our pride, but it doesn’t take away the wrong we did, or fix the situation, or even cause us to change so that we won’t do it again.
Most importantly, it won’t take away Gods wrath against us for our sins.
Jesus is the only way:
Ephesians 2:3-5 (MSG)
We all did it, all of us doing what we felt like doing, when we felt like doing it, all of us in the same boat. It's a wonder God didn't lose his temper and do away with the whole lot of us. Instead, immense in mercy and with an incredible love, he embraced us. He took our sin-dead lives and made us alive in Christ. He did all this on his own, with no help from us!
All of God’s wrath against us for our sins was taken on the cross by Jesus, we were in the same boat as David, sinners deserving of God’s wrath, deserving of death. But God heard our cry for mercy when we gave our lives to him.
Jesus took the long list of our sins, the debt we were due to pay and stamped PAID IN FULL over them.
Think it over / Meditate on:
David says in v4 that the guilt of his sin is like a burden too heavy to bear. If you’re a Christian and my first question caused you pain and regret again as you thought about it, it is a burden too heavy for you to bear, leave it at the cross. Jesus already bore it for you, and you are free from all guilt and shame. Pray and thank God that it is paid for and never regret it or feel guilty again.
Spend time today reflecting on who you would be without Jesus, where your life would have led you. Thank Jesus for who you are today because of Him.
Ben Parsons, Lead Pastor - Sutton Central location