“The Lord shall guide you continually and shall satisfy your soul in dry places; your strength shall be renewed, and you shall be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never disappoint.
Your sons shall rebuild the ruins of former years and shall revive the foundations of old, and you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets in which to dwell.”
Dear friends,
What uncertain days we live in!
Only a couple of weeks ago we seemed to be taking slow steps forward in regards to international travel when the U.K. Government finally gave approval to the Sinopharm vaccine, which is what we’ve all had. Ah, but they wouldn’t accept Zimbabwean vaccine cards as proof! Then a few days later we rejoiced to see that at last our cards would be acceptable. So off I went on 22nd November to rebook my flights which had been cancelled in early 2020 and got everything settled for next year…only to wake up 3 days later to find all flights from Zimbabwe into England had been banned for the weekend because of Omicron and subsequently we are back on the ‘red list’. Hey ho! One thing we can depend upon is that despite the on-going turmoil, God is in control and so we just carry on with what He has called us to do here and trust Him to work it all out.
Since I last sent out a newsletter we have received two more children into our family: a little boy, Ruponeso, (Healing or Salvation) aged about 16 months, and a few days later a 3 week old baby girl, Precious. It’s possible that Precious may be fostered with a view to adoption if all of the official paperwork goes through. The Department of Social Welfare introduced the potential mother to us a couple of weeks ago and she is so keen to receive Precious, so we are praying that everything goes through smoothly. Unfortunately, I am not legally allowed to show you photographs of either of the children at this point.
Just over 24 years ago another little baby girl called Hannah, who was about the same age as Precious, came into our care. On November 6th I had the privilege of attending this beautiful young lady’s graduation from the Culinary Arts Academy. She is currently sitting her final exams in a Higher Diploma Course and currently has 2 job offers open to her starting mid- December. A good position to be in! She’s just praying about which one to accept.
It’s so encouraging to see how our young people are developing, not only in their career choices, but in their relationship with the Lord.
Over the past couple of months Danniel and Bridget have linked up with teams from Operation Mobilisation who have twice come out to spend a day with our youth. The young people were really encouraged and uplifted as they explored the theme of ‘Known by Him, Named by Him, Sent by Him’, through teaching on the life of Moses, discussion groups and, of course (!), lots of fun and games.
We are looking forward to an on-going, fruitful partnership with O.M. in the future.
As we enter into this Advent Season with what appear to be even more uncertain times ahead, let’s not forget that while everything around seems to be in such turmoil, we and our circumstances are known by Him and He has named and sent us into this specific point in history in order to fulfil His purposes in and through our lives.
What ever your plans are for Christmas this year may it be a time of joy and hope, knowing that the Light that shone in the darkness all those years ago in Bethlehem in a time of darkness, turmoil and confusion, still shines.
With love and gratitude for your continued care and support,