Day 31 - Psalm 146

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Day 31 - Psalm 146

Today is the last day of our Summer Psalms Devotional!

We began with Psalm 1 and the challenge to plant ourselves in God’s word. I hope you have enjoyed studying these psalms with us throughout August. Please continue to plant yourself in His word and drink deep from this life giving stream.

We end our series with Psalm 146 and what an amazing psalm to finish on!

The very first sentence is an exclamation of praise, in the original Hebrew language it was simply “Hallelujah!” the psalmist call on his soul, all of himself, his very life force to praise the Lord.

I remember it so clearly, I know exactly where I was when it happened, I was walking home from church youth group one Sunday evening as I did every week, about the age of 15, I had been a Christian many years by then, and loved the Lord.

As I walked I found myself thinking, I do not know who I am without Christ in my life. I have absolutely no idea what life without Him would look like and I don’t want to know, and in that moment I determined in my heart that no matter what, I would never turn away from Him. I determined as the psalmist does in v2

“I will praise the Lord all my life”.

When must decide to praise God with our whole self even our very souls, for the rest of our lives, and to put all our trust solely in him.(v3-4) we are blessed when we do (v5)

Who is this God and why should we do this? Verse 6 tells us He is the maker of all creation, He is the faithful one.

Verses 7-9 speak of all that the Lord does, what His nature is like, it is an accurate description of Jesus, who is the image of the invisible God (Col 1:15) this includes:

  • The way Jesus treated people (v7a)

  • Jesus’ salvation work (v7b)

  • Jesus miracles (v8)

  • How Jesus cared for the marginalised (v9)

  • How Jesus upset the Pharisees (v9)

This is the Lord we worship, the One who now reigns forever (v10a) this is your God whom you worship for the rest of your life.

Hallelujah! (v10b)

Think it over / Meditate on:

  • Determine in your heart today, that you will praise and follow the Lord for the rest of your life.

  • If you have determined that, get baptised if you haven’t already, to show the world that you mean it! (Speak to us if you would like to)

  • Spend the rest of the day praising God for all He is and does. Try to stay in an attitude of praise no matter what the day brings.

  • Think about what you will study next in the Bible now that our devotions have finished, but whatever you do, determine to keep reading and studying God’s word.


Ben Parsons - Lead Pastor, Sutton Central location

Day 30 - Psalm 121

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Day 30 - Psalm 121

Have you ever climbed a mountain and looked out at the view below? It is breathtaking, you can see everything for miles around.

Psalm 121 is called a song of ascents, there are 15 of them from psalm 120-134 and these were sung by Hebrew pilgrims on their way up to Jerusalem and mount Zion.

This psalm is reminding them, as they climb a mountain, to lift up their eyes and see where their help comes from. Not the sacred mountain or city of Jerusalem, but the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.

The rest of the psalm speaks of God as a watchman, it is as if the Lord is at the top of the mountain looking out for miles around watching over you, seeing where you go and what you do and making sure you are protected and safe, He stands ready to help at any moment.

“Help!” Is probably my most frequently prayed prayer, and often is all we know how to pray, or even need to pray.

The Lord is our helper and he will rescue us.

He is good at watching over us, the psalmist says:

As He watches, He doesn’t take a nap break (v4)

When things get heated, he is your shade and comfort (v5)

Day and night He keeps watch to keep you from harm. (v6)

He watches over you not just now but for the rest of your life (v7)

Whether you are near to him, or far from him, He never stops watching, caring and helping you. (v8)

Think it over / Meditate on:

  • Where do you go for help when you need it? Do you go to God?

  • Spend some time reflecting on God watching over your life, what comfort does that bring?

  • Try to memorise verse 1, next time you see a view, or climb a mountain remember where your help comes from.

  • Do you need help right now? Pray that simple prayer “HELP!” And wait to see what God does.


Ben Parsons - Lead Pastor, Sutton Central location

Day 29 - Psalm 118

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Day 29 - Psalm 118

Have you ever found it hard to love someone? Sometimes love is easy, and other times it’s more of a choice we choose to make. True love, is not a just a feeling, it has to go on and on, it has to endure.

It is thought that this Psalm was sung at the laying of the foundation of the temple, we read about this in Ezra chapter 3, David orchestrates this praise celebration leading us to conclude that this psalm was probably written by him.

Psalm 118 has a clear theme throughout:

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.”

It is stated at the beginning and at the end and David calls all those who trust in God to proclaim “his love endures forever”

In verses 5-7 he tells us why he is so thankful to God, because God heard his cry for help and rescued him, he has no fear of people because he knows His loving God is on his side.

Verses 8-14 challenges us as to where we put our trust, David mentions humans and princes. We must ultimately trust the Lord above all others, even though we may feel surrounded by enemies, God will deliver us.

The fact that this was probably sung at the building of the foundation of the temple gives added depth to verse 22, the cornerstone was the first stone laid in the foundation of a building, it was a large stone that was perfectly square, this was important because all the other stones of the building would be laid in line with this stone, if it wasn’t exactly square, the whole building would end up off square and therefore unstable, any stone that wasn’t square enough had to be rejected.

David is possibly speaking about himself here, he wasn’t what people expected when they thought of a King, (see the account of his anointing in 1 Samuel 16) but he became their greatest King.

Amazingly, this is also a prophecy of Jesus. Isaiah prophecies in Isaiah 28:16 “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation”. Isaiah was speaking about the coming Messiah.

In Matt 21 Jesus tells the parable of the tenants, as he ends the parable in v42 he quotes this verse from psalm 188:22, then goes on to say:

Matthew 21:43

“Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you (the Pharisees) and given to a people who will produce its fruit.“

Jesus points out that He is the cornerstone, rejected by the builders, but ultimately the One in whom the foundation of God’s kingdom, Christianity and the Church is built.

When we trust in the Lord’s enduring love and make Him the cornerstone in the foundation of our life, then our foundation will be straight and true, and a strong life and Gods kingdom can be built upon it.

This should cause us great celebration and joy, and to proclaim with David and all of God’s people:

Psalms 118:28-29

You are my God, and I will praise you; you are my God, and I will exalt you. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.

Think it over / Meditate on:

  • God’s love for us endures. Why is that important?

  • Is your trust squarely in the Lord? Is He the cornerstone, the One the rest of your life is aligned to?

  • Spend some time praising God today for the way he loves you, with an enduring love.

  • Who do you need to choose to love today?


Ben Parsons - Lead Pastor, Sutton Central location

Day 28 - Psalm 110

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Day 28 - Psalm 110

If someone where to ask you “who are you?” I wonder what you’d say? My Instagram profile says I am a Follower of Jesus / husband / father / pastor / designer. The truth is I am all those things, and more.

God too has many characteristics, and many names, this psalm speaks of Him as Lord, King and Priest. He is our Lord, the one we are in awe of, the one we worship, the one we surrender our lives to. A King is a ruler, and a commander, He demands honour, service and obedience. If He says go, we go.

The biblical Priest was a loving intercessor, a mediator between us and God. He made sacrifices for our sin, instructed us about God’s law and helped us to change.

Verse 1 speaks of David’s Lord, it was quoted by Jesus in Mark 12:44 and Acts 2:34, both times it was to show that Jesus was more than just a natural descendant of David, but David’s Lord. It shows that Jesus was fully human as a descendant of David, and fully God, our Lord.

Today, Jesus is positioned as Lord, seated at the right hand of the father in heaven, with his enemy defeated (v1).

The day is coming when he will come back, and destroy all that is wicked in the world. (v2-3).

In verse 4 we hear about Melchizedek, Melchizedek is a fascinating character in the Bible and a bit of a mystery, some believe that Melchizedek was a visitation of Christ himself (known as a Christophany) we are not told, but he is at least what we call a ‘type’ of Christ, meaning that he represents Jesus and shows us what Jesus will be like.

He appears and disappears quite mysteriously in Genesis 14:18 after Abraham wins a battle.

Melchizedek’s name means King of Righteousness, and he was the king of Salem (Jerusalem) Salem means peace.

Melchizedek was also a priest of ‘God most high’ and blesses Abraham in the name of God most high. He presents him and his men with bread and wine. Abraham recognises him as both King and Priest and gives him a tithe (10% of all he has gathered).

The writer of Hebrews picks up on this by quoting this psalm at the end of chapter 6, and in Chapter 7 continues to say of Melchizedek

Hebrews 7:3

Without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life, resembling the Son of God, he remains a priest forever.

We see through this example of Melchizedek in this psalm that Jesus would be King and Priest forever. He is our King, we obey Him, submit to Him and follow Him, He fights for us and protects us. He is our priest, He intercedes for us and comforts us. Verses 5-7 speak of the great battle against the enemies of God, and the righteous judgement He will bring when He returns.

Think it over / Meditate on:

  • I recommend studying Melchizedek for yourself by reading the account in Genesis and Hebrews

  • Is Jesus King in your life? What does that look like?

  • Is Jesus priest in your life? Do your rely on Him alone for salvation, or are is there areas where you


Ben Parsons, Lead Pastor - Sutton Central location

Day 27 - Psalm 107

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Day 27 - Psalm 107

This psalm starts with a simple but profound truth, one many don’t understand, or forget from time to time. The simple truth that “God is good”

This simple statement shapes our understanding of our Heavenly Father and the way He treats us. He is good, He will always be good and He only does good. His love for us endures for ever. (v1)

If it’s not good, it’s not God.

In verse 2 the psalmist begins his command to those God has saved to tell our story of faith, our testimony. He goes on to remind us of what our stories (testimonies) might be, by using picture language, he describes our state before God rescued us and bought us back to him and how He rescued us.

Some of us were simply lost, (v4) wandering through life and never feeling home (v4) searching for something to satisfy, but never finding it (v5) God showed us the way to go, showed us a better way to live, and gave us the home we were looking for, (6-7) He satisfied our search for meaning and purpose. (v9)

Some of us were in darkness, (v10) bound by addictions, sins, mental pain, depression, shame, guilt and despair we couldn’t find a way out though we tried our best it was like we were chained to it. (v10)

Our rebellion against God caused us to labour and strive to cover our sins ourselves, on our own with no one to help when we stumbled (v12)

But when we cried out to God he saved us, brought us out of darkness, and broke the chains that bound us. (v13-14) praise God that he has set you free!

Some of us became foolish, rebelling for rebellions sake, choosing foolish ways and making bad choices, then suffering the consequences of them. (v17) even causing physical and mental illness in our own bodies, but God healed us, and saved us from what would lead to death. (v19-20) let us tell our testimony of God's healing power, love and goodness to us.(v21-22)

Some of us were victims of our own success, rich merchants chasing more wealth (v23) we got caught up in chasing more material things, the constant pursuit of more and putting our security and hope in our success, caused stress and anxiety, fear that it could all crumble at any moment (v25-26) we were at our wits end (v27) when we cried out to God, He stilled the storm and gave our minds peace. (v29-30)

Again the psalmist reminds us to praise God publicly (v31-32)

All of this was through the goodness of God and His enduring love for us. It was nothing to do with what we have done.

The psalmist goes on to say in the remaining verses that our testimonies are to be about what God has done, not what we have done. He gives examples in these verses of how the proud fall and the humble are lifted up. (See Matt 23:11-12)

Finally the psalmist ends with an instruction to ponder Gods goodness and enduring love that saved us from the lives we lived outside of Christ.

Think it over / Meditate on:

  • What is the story of God in your life? Your testimony? It may be helpful to write it down.

  • Spend some time pondering God's loving deeds and praising God for how He rescued you.

  • Think about how you will share your story (testimony) and who to share it with.


Ben Parsons, Lead Pastor - Sutton Central location

Day 26 - Psalm 103

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Day 26 - Psalm 103

Psalm 103 is one of David's greatest praise songs, he begins in verse 1 joyfully by calling on his soul to praise The Lord and continues to speak of all the wonderful reasons he has to praise God.

He reminds himself of all Gods benefits, his forgiveness, his healing power, (v3) how he turned his life around and showed him grace (v4-5)

Verse 6 speaks of God as judge, judging justly and with righteousness. How God has made known His ways to us through the bible. (v6)

Verse 8 to 12 could easily have been written after Jesus died and rose again, we serve the same God as David, and we have an even greater covenant (see Hebrews 7:22).

God’s love for you is as high as the heavens, and he has removed your sins from you as far as the east is from west, what an amazing truth!

God is our father and we are his children, as any loving father does he has compassionate on us, (v13) he knows that without Him we are just dust and our lives are a drop in the ocean compared to eternity, (14-16) but his love is eternal, it is from everlasting to everlasting, His love continues through generations (v17) I love to see a life transformed by God, but even more than that I love to see a family transformed, and so does God!

The Lord is the High King over all things, people's and places, we join with all of heaven's Angels as we worship him with all our soul. (v19-22)

Think it over / Meditate on:

  • Do you need God to heal you? Or renew your youth? Declare these verses over yourself as you pray today.

  • Pray for your whole family to be saved! Don't give up on loved ones even if it's painful, God is in the business of saving families and generations. (v17)

  • What does it means that God has removed our sins as far as the east is from the west? How does that effect the way we think about our sin?


Ben Parsons, Lead Pastor - Sutton Central location

Day 25 - Psalm 100

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Day 25 - Psalm 100

This is a psalm of praise and exaltation to God! Similar to Psalm 95, it uses action words to draw us in and encourage us to, ‘shout’, ‘worship’, ‘know’, ‘enter’ and ‘give thanks’! It doesn't just leave us there either, but tells us how to shout, to worship and so on. 

Shouting for joy – have you ever done that?! I think about cheering for people or when they’ve won something, or at the end of a performance, we ‘whoop’ for joy! – this psalm wants everyone, all the earth to shout for joy to God! 

Worship with gladness – when we take our eyes off our own circumstances and choose to worship God, we are to worship Him with a cheerful heart. He has given us eternal life, salvation, Heaven is our home – what songs will rise up from our hearts and out of our mouths when we worship Him with gladness! 

Know that the Lord is God – verse 3 reminds us that God is our Creator and our Shepherd – He has brought us into the family of God! Remember again who He is! 

There’s encouragement in every single verse! 

We are then given vital keys to entering God’s presence in verse 4. Firstly, with thanksgiving and then with praise. No matter what you might be feeling today, choose primarily to thank God for who He is – your Redeemer, your Father, your Healer, your Provider, your Refuge, your King and so on! And why do we do this, verse 5 tells us, “For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.”  

Think it over / Meditate on: 

  • Write your own psalm of praise today! Allow words of thanks and gratitude to come out of your heart 

  • If you need to know again today that God is all those things listed above and more – ask the Holy Spirit fill you and give you a fresh revelation of who God is 


Charmaine Croxson, Senior Leader

Day 24 - Psalm 99

Day 24 - Psalm 99

Let’s read: it

1 The Lord reigns, 
    let the nations tremble; 
he sits enthroned between the cherubim, 
    let the earth shake. 
2 Great is the Lord in Zion; 
    he is exalted over all the nations. 
3 Let them praise your great and awesome name -  
    he is holy

4 The King is mighty, he loves justice -  
    you have established equity; 
in Jacob you have done 
    what is just and right. 
5 Exalt the Lord our God 
    and worship at his footstool; 
    he is holy

6 Moses and Aaron were among his priests, 
    Samuel was among those who called on his name; 
they called on the Lord 
    and he answered them. 
7 He spoke to them from the pillar of cloud; 
    they kept his statutes and the decrees he gave them. 

8 Lord our God, 
    you answered them; 
you were to Israel a forgiving God, 
    though you punished their misdeeds. 
9 Exalt the Lord our God 
    and worship at his holy mountain, 
    for the Lord our God is holy

Some scholars called this the ‘Sanctus’ psalm, as the three main parts end with the statement or refrain ‘He/God is holy’. The first three verses declare the greatness and holiness of God, He is to be awed. 

The psalm mentions 4 well known men who encountered God powerfully. Jacob, Moses, Aaron, and Samuel. Each one of these men were favoured by God to meet with Him on behalf of the people. Each time the Lord spoke to them they declared the greatness of their God. 

Holiness to me is all about being set apart, pure, without blemish or fault. Through Jesus we are made holy and blameless in God’s sight (Colossians 1:22) - God calls each one of us to declare who He is to those He’s put in our world, our spheres of influence. We can have confidence that when God asks us to speak, He will give us the words and when we call on Him He will answer us.

I am challenged to not only exalt the Lord with my mouth, but to give Him my heart, to place Him on the ‘throne’ if you like, of my heart. It’s this position in my life that means I should never forgot His awesomeness, His holiness and all He has done for me.

Think it over / Meditate on:

  • What does holiness mean to you? How can we live lives this way?

  • Does God have your whole heart today? Have you forgotten how great, how holy He is and yet He choose to love us and sent His Son so He could be in relationship with us? Surrender your life to God again today and worship Him


Charmaine Croxson, Senior Leader

Day 23 - Psalm 95

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Day 23 – Psalm 95 

The first two verses of this psalm always brings a smile to my face as it reminds me of a song that was sung in church when I was about 7 or 8 years old! If you were in church in the mid 90s I’m sure you’re humming it now too!  

Well, across the whole world every week the Church gathers in cathedrals, churches, chapels, schools, halls, community centres, cinemas to name a few of the type of places many call church, to do just as the psalm says: “Come, let us sing for joy to Lord!”  

The word ‘Come’, is one of encouragement, of bringing others with you, of calling those nearby to see what you’re about to do. If someone asks you to ‘come here!’, you can’t easily refuse. 

There’s such power in a crowd, singing at the top of their voices and when there’s conviction it’ll stir everyone up to praise God! The psalm goes on to say: “Let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation!” - we don’t always get rowdy (in a good way!) in a Service, but the psalm tells us to shout to God, for He is the very foundation (Rock) of our faith! 

Verses 3-5 continue describing our God, His character and what He has done! He is King and Creator. 

Verses 6-7 then speak to me about reverence in our worship. We are to bow before our God, before our Maker – the psalmist then uses the shepherd and sheep picture; “we are the people of His pasture, the flock under His care.” The Lord is our Shepherd, He will look after us (Psalm 23).  

The second half of the psalm can feel very different in tone and unrelated to what has come before. However, if we are to be people of praise, speaking out and living out the truths of God, then we also need to be people who hear God’s voice. John 10:27 says: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” We certainly don’t want to be people who forget what God has done for us (like the Israelites did).  We should be people who want to enter into all that God has for us. 

Think it over / Meditate on: 

  • Find a worship song to sing to God today – pay particular attention to the words and declare His goodness and faithfulness. 

  • Who can you encourage to ‘Come’, to worship, to a Service, to pray today? 

  • Do you hear God’s voice? What does God want to say to you today and remind you about? 


Charmaine Croxson, Senior Leader

Day 22 - Psalm 91

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Day 22 - Psalm 91 

It’s common place to hear of natural disasters, shootings, murders, famine, political tensions and simply a world that’s not at rest...and maybe we ask ourselves, can we find peace and security today? 

Yes, I believe we can and this psalm expresses how. It’s made up of only 16 verses but it has so much in it we could spend a whole month here! It’s a psalm of declaration, full of promises from God, a psalm to memorise and to keep coming back to when we need encouragement.  

Verse 1 “Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” If we live, abide, stay, make home, in God, He promises us rest! I don’t think this means God promises us a life of sitting pretty and doing nothing, but that when we make our home in Him, when we live in His presence our mind, our body and soul can be at rest – not striving in our own strength, but finding it in Him. (2 Corinthians 12:9)  

It goes on to say “This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. For He will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armour and protection.” It’s so important to know that we too can ‘declare of the Lord’, reminding ourselves of what God promises us, just as the psalmist does.  

God is our protector, our security is found in Him. He is our Rescuer and we have nothing to fear; not nightmares, disease, sickness, earthquakes, physical attack, emotional or verbal abuse (v5-6). 

If we make God our refuge – again He promises His protection, His angels even to come and protect us! There are conditions though, He will protect those who “love Him”, and “those who trust in His name”. 

“I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honour them. I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.” 

Think it over / Meditate on: 

  • Try to memorise this psalm, start with verses 1-4. 

  • What does it mean to you, to abide, to my find your shelter in the Most High?  

  • Of all the promises from God made in the psalm which ones resonate with you and why? Thank God for His Word over your life. 

  • Declare this psalm out loud over yourself today.


Charmaine Croxson, Senior Leader

Day 21 - Psalm 84

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Day 21 - Psalm 84

Whenever I have to travel for work, my family misses me (so I’m told). They miss my voice, my hugs, my presence. When I get back, me being back is simply that, me being back, often without fanfare, but me being back gives a confidence and a security that everything is good. We are how we are supposed to be when we are in each other’s presence. 

In Psalm 84, the author clearly knows what it means to be in the presence of God. He says ‘I faint with longing to enter the courts of the Lord. With my whole being, body and soul.’ (v2 NLT). In the Message Translation, it says that he has ‘always longed to live in a place like this’ (v2) and how ‘birds … sparrows and swallows make nests there … how blessed they are to live and sing there [in God’s house]’ (v3-4).

Psalm 22 v3 says that God inhabits the praises of His people – what a statement, what a truth. We can encounter God, we can encounter His presence in the praises of His people, our brothers & sisters in Christ. There are lots of reasons for being at church, being rooted and planted, attending regularly and making it a priority, but this alone should be up there!

In v10, the author underlines how much it means; ‘a single day in your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else! I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God than live the good life in the homes of the wicked.’ He is very clear that luxury living, but in wickedness means nothing to him, he would rather serve, humbly, in God’s house.

Charles Spurgeon puts it this way “To bear burdens and open doors for the Lord is more honour than to reign among the wicked. Every man has his choice, and this is ours. God’s worst is better than the devil’s best.” Think about that for a minute …

This Psalm ends saying that God gives us grace and glory. It is for us to receive, God is the greatest giver of all, and also a great forgiver. He gives us grace and glory, without price, without us taking any merit for it. What grace, what love!

Think it over / Meditate on:

  • Write down and pray about three things you can do, which can help you be more prepared?

  • Take a minute to pray and thank God for His grace, for sending His son to die for you, that you might live in eternity, in His presence, in His house.


Tim Croxson, Senior Leader

Day 20 - Psalm 78

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Day 20 - Psalm 78 

When Charmaine and I were first getting to know each other, it was clear that family was very important to her. Her grand-parents, living in Sutton at the time, embraced me as part of the family, and whilst my plate was never empty for long (thanks Grandma Emily!), part of the joy was hearing the faith filled stories from Grandpa Robert, about his days in Singapore during the Japanese occupation, how God saved him and his brothers from certain death. 

I can’t imagine Grandpa keeping those stories for himself – they built us up, encouraged us in our faith, they are to be shared. In Psalm 78, David does the same, encourages us to not keep ‘the sweet old truths … to ourselves, we’re passing it along to the next generation.’ (MSG). What a responsibility we have, whether we are parents or not, to ensure that what God has done for us, it is not forgotten, but sows seeds for the future generations. I love hearing the praise reports on a Sunday morning, of what God is doing in and through people’s lives. He is alive and moving – what an encouragement, what a faith builder those moments are. 

David recounts all the miracles that God did for the Israelites, setting them free from Egypt, parting the Red Sea, leading them by cloud by day, fire at night (verse 9-16). The bittersweet truth is that the Israelites all too frequently forgot, they ‘whined like spoiled children’ (v19) and God got righteously angry with them, yet as the Psalm goes on ‘Yet in spite of all this, they kept right on sinning. Even when they saw God’s marvels, they refused to believe God could care for them.’ (v32). 

It is tragically sad that the Israelites forgot or dismissed what God had done for them and failed to take that truth into the present. God chose the new leader to come from the tribe of Judah, David, a shepherd boy, but who would form the direct lineage of the One who would write the final story, the story of grace, the story of forgiveness, the giver of eternal life, JESUS. 

Think it over / Meditate on: 

  • From stories of your past, what truths have you forgotten to take into your current season? 

  • How can you ensure that stories of God’s faithfulness and miracles don’t stop with you – how can they be used to encourage others? 


Tim Croxson, Senior Leader

Day 19 - Psalm 76

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Day 19 - Psalm 76 

Have you ever seen a TV program where someone mistakes someone, decidedly average, for someone quite famous? You know how the script might go ‘hey, aren’t you ‘so and so’, from that film a while ago?’ All while the definitely-not-famous person is trying to shuffle off or continue his or her conversation! 

David, the psalmist, definitely knew his God. He knew the accounts of what God had done previously for the Israelites, amazing stories of miracles after miracles. For David, there is no mistaking who God is. In Psalm 76, David is describing God as being famous, throughout Israel (v1). He is all powerful (v3), radiant and incomparable (v4), His presence such that the strongest of men are paralysed by it (v5). 

The God that David describes, is the same God today. The one that loves us. He is rightly famous, he is mighty, powerful, He is brighter than the sun. If this God is for us, who can be against us? As Romans 8 v31 puts it, ‘so what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose?’ This same passage goes onto to ask an incredible question, which within the context of Psalm 76 is profound; ‘If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else He wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us?’ 

This God, our God, is all powerful, yet would hold us in His hand. He would give up everything for us, just so that we would be in His presence. Since there is no comparison, no competition with God, it is as much our wisdom as it is our joy to submit wholly, in everything, to Him. 

Think it over / Meditate on: 

  • Consider areas of your life where you might struggle to submit wholly to God. What is stopping you? 

  • Taking this Psalm as a lesson, write out how YOU would describe God, and all that He has done in your life. 


Tim Croxson, Senior Leader

Day 18 - Psalm 72

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Day 18 - Psalm 72

What makes a king? Often in history, a king was portrayed as someone who was power hungry, who demanded everything, and gave as little as possible, one thought that everyone else existed solely for his benefit.

This Psalm opens up with a petition to God that the character of the king would have the same love of justice and righteousness. It goes on asking that people would be judged right, the poor treated fairly and defended, the children of the needy being rescued, their oppressors being crushed.

Like David is praying for the king, we too are called to pray for everyone, including those in authority over us (I Timothy 2.1-2), there isn’t an opt out cause based upon whether we agree or not, it is a direct commandment. What a responsibility we have, to pray for our government, even when we might not like them so much. In a climate of increasingly polarised politics and BREXIT, how much more important it is to pray for our government. The next verse says that ‘this is the way that our Saviour God wants us to live.’ (MSG)

 Psalm 72 speaks of the desire of a king who sounds pretty awesome even so much that the poor and humble having an advocate with the king (v4 TPT). The good news, the awesome news is that WE have an advocate (1 John 2.1) with the King in Jesus Christ. One that speaks on our behalf.

Imagine a court-room where all our wrongs, our sins, are laid out in front of us, in front of God as a judge. But, and it is a huge BUT, we have Jesus Christ on our side, not just as an awesome lawyer, but someone who has already paid the price, that we can be free. Incredible.

Think it over / Meditate on:

  • Pray for our nation, for our government. That strong Christian voices will be heard amongst the noise.

  • How can we in our daily lives, exhibit this sort of character spoken about in Psalm 72 to those around us?

  • What does it mean to you to be living a life of freedom, without condemnation? Thank Jesus today that He bought your freedom.


Tim Croxson, Senior Leader

Day 17 - Psalm 69

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Day 17 - Psalm 69

Have you ever been disliked without cause? The Psalmist David pours out his heart to God as he is hated without reason (v4). Not only is he hated, he is being persecuted for his faith in God. (v9) There is a rawness of David’s emotions and great intimacy with God that allows Him to urgently plea for God to save him. David states in v5 that his folly and guilt is not hidden from God- This is not a contradiction, but rather a plea of innocence in this case. David acknowledges that he has done some foolish things in the past and is to be read “if I was sinful in this case God would know”. 

This Psalm not only tells of David’s experience but prophetically points to Jesus and can be read as the suffering Saviour. Read this Psalm again through the eyes of Jesus. Jesus was hated without reason by numerous people who wanted to kill him and even quotes verse 4 Himself in John 15:25. Verse 4 “I am forced to restore what I did not steal”. Jesus paid a debt that was not His own. He paid our debt of sin, by dying on the cross in our place for our sin. Jesus was innocent and has no folly or guilt. 

V6 Jesus suffered for those who put their hope in Him, that they would not be disgraced. The purpose of the cross was to bring grace to us, for us not to be put to shame as He takes our shame upon himself (v7). 

Jesus was not acknowledged by his half siblings as the son of God (v8) (until the resurrection) and John 2:17 directly quotes v9 as Jesus turned over the tables of the money changers in the Temple. 

David in v13 prays to God in the time of favour. Because of Jesus the time of favour is now and will forever remain for those who believe in Him as our salvation is sure. V14-18 describe David’s emotions and give us some insight into the feelings Jesus may have had in this moment of vulnerability on the cross. 

V21 is a prophesy that is fulfilled by Jesus on the cross in John 19:29-30. 

V22-28 is a prophesy of judgement and destruction of God’s enemies. It is referred to in Romans 11:9-10 and Matthew 23:38. Those that are unbelievers have shut themselves out of God’s blessing as they eyes are blind (Darkened in pride and self will). 

V30-36 David returns from his feelings to praise and gains perspective on God’s truth that he hears the needy so will hear His cries. God saves and rebuilds but it’s our job as God’s people to settle into the position already won at the cross, for us to possess it, which requires us to renew our mind to this perspective. There is a promise that God’s children will inherit and dwell in this. Know that whatever trials you may be going through your victory is your children’s legacy. Gain a greater perspective to see any temptation or trial as an opportunity to possess truth and to impart this to others. 

Think it over / Mediate on: 

  • There are 245 million Christians persecuted around the world a year, this equates to 1 in 9 Christians and this figure keeps rising and persecution is on the increase. They suffer for His name sake. Pray that their faith will remain and that they can encourage one another. 

  • David was so zealous for God it led to his persecution. How would you rate your level of comfort? We enjoy religious freedom in this country, but this tolerance can dim our passion for God in sharing Him with those around us regardless of their response. Pray for greater boldness as you identify with Christ in your everyday life. 

  • What trial are you going through that you need to gain a greater perspective? After pouring your heart out to God in raw emotion, declare truth, settle in it and possess this- owning it for yourself that you can impart this to others leaving a spiritual inheritance in your victory


Katherine Parsons, Lead Pastor - Sutton Central location

Day 16 - Psalm 51

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Day 16 - Psalm 51

This psalm is well known for David’s confession and repentance over his affair with Bathsheba. For me, it wasn’t until about 2 years ago when I heard it read out in The Passion Translation (TPT) that it really impacted me and showed me what repentance really looked like.  

Psalm 51 can be divided into 3 sections; David’s confession, cleansing and consecration.  

Verse 1-6 shows us how remorseful he was of his wrong actions and is incredibly vulnerable as he cries out to God for forgiveness. Even though he feels the guilt and shame, David knows only God can remove that from him. He makes statements about God’s character “I know your abundant love is able to wash away my guilt. Because your compassion is so great, take away this shameful guilt of sin.” (verse 2). 

“I know that you delight to set your truth deep in my spirit. So come into the hidden places of my heart 
and teach me wisdom.” David was serious about his repentance, and it challenges me to do the same – what surrender. 

David feels unworthy to be in relationship with God whilst in this ‘state’. He pleads for God to hide his sins from His face and then into the well-known verse 10 he says this: “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” (NIV). 

David knows the heart is key, God said that David was a man after His own heart (Acts 13:22). David asks God to give him a new one, create a pure heart, to give him the heart that he first had, a heart that is after God’s. 

Verses 12-18 in TPT are some of my favourite! 

“Let my passion for life be restored, tasting joy in every breakthrough you bring to me. Hold me close to you with a willing spirit that obeys whatever you say.” 

David wants to experience life again, in connection with God, walking with Him daily. Verse 15 onwards, David returns to praise! What a psalm – it's all about repentance and how beautifully God restores us! 

Think it over / Meditate on: 

  • Are there areas of your life that you need to repent of, turn away from? Or areas that you want God to restore? Tell Him, express your sorrow and live free today! 

  • What does it mean for God to create a pure heart in you?  

  • Thank God today that He can restore your life, no matter what you might be walking through. 

Day 15 - Psalm 48

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Day 15 – Psalm 48 

This Psalm along with psalm 46 and 47 are a celebration written after God delivered Jerusalem from attack. This can be seen throughout the psalm it is not known who wrote these psalms, but as with psalm 42, they were for the sons of Korah to sing. 

Worship is worth-ship, it is about showing someone the worth they are due and praise means ‘to boast of’. 

The psalmist starts with great praise, “the Lord is great, and most worthy of praise.” God is the only one truly worthy of boasting about! 

The City of God mentioned here (v1) is speaking about Jerusalem, and the Holy mountain is mount Zion where the temple was built. It is also a picture of God’s people, His kingdom, His Holy church. 

The psalmist goes on to speak of how glorious this city is, it is beautiful and the joy of the whole earth. (v2) 

How is the city made secure? God is in her citadels (military defences) He is her fortress. God protected the city from the attack, (v3) in the same way He protects His people today. 

Verses 4-7 speak of how multiple kings joined forces to attack but were terrified when they saw the city and fled and where destroyed. It was the glory of the city that caused God’s enemies to fear. 

The psalmist continues in praise from verse 8 to the end, making sure that everyone knows why the battle was won. “God makes her secure forever” this was God’s victory. 

We are to worship God as we meditate on his love. (v9)  

In verse 12-13 the psalmist speaks of the greatness of the city, that they should pass down the stories to the generations. This is a great picture of how we as Christians can look around at all that God has done in our lives, and impart that to the next generation of believers, let our ceiling be there floor. Let them hear of God’s great victories in our lives, this is our spiritual legacy. 

Psalms 48:14 

“For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end.” 

Think it over / Meditate on 

  • Do you worship God above all else? Does He take a priority in your life? 

  • Does your life reflect God’s glory and cause the enemy to flee? (See James 4:7-8) 

  • Today spend time meditating on God’s love (v9) remind yourself of the times he has shown love to you and the victories you have won in His name. 


Ben Parsons, Lead Pastor - Sutton Central location

Day 14 - Psalm 42

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Day 14 – Psalm 42 

An interesting introduction to this psalm, it says “of the sons of Korah” the sons of Korah were a family choir appointed by David. They were grandsons of Levi. This psalm was most likely written for them to sing. The writer is unknown. 

Water is essential for all life, but more than a need, it is something we desire, when our mouth is dry and we are really thirsty, we go out of our way to quench our thirst, and when we do finally have a drink, it is such a good, refreshing feeling. Often we can think of nothing else until we have quenched our thirst. That is how we feel after just a few hours of not drinking, imagine if it were days of being thirsty. 

The psalmist compares our natural feeling of thirst to his desire for God’s presence, he asks the question “when can I go and meet with God?” He is desperate to meet God. As desperate as an animal in search of a watering hole. (v1-2) Jesus uses similar language when He says in John 4:14 “Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” 

The psalmist goes on to speak of great sadness, he paints a picture of tears running down his face into the corners of his mouth, “my tears have been my food day and night” (v3) 

He draws a contrast here between the deep thirst he has for God, and the ‘food’ of his tears. It’s as if he is saying, he has wallowed in his sadness, allowing it to become his food and drink, instead of going to the one who can truly quench his thirst. 

The psalmist remembers fondly how things used to be, how he was so full of joy at going to worship God and in remembering this, the psalmist’s tone changes, he begins to speak to his own soul, he instructs himself to change his thinking. 

“Why are you downcast”....”put your hope in God” (v5) 

In fact it is because his soul is downcast, that he reminds himself of God’s goodness, he says “...therefore I will remember you” (v6) 

Verse 7 is often seen as a negative verse, stating the psalmists distress as if all the water is piling up on him, but given the previous verses context of remembering the Lord and the opening of the psalm panting in thirst for God, it seems to me that he is reminding himself of God’s goodness, that God is the source of water, and that he pours it out in abundance in waterfalls, and waves that not only quench your thirst but pour over you. The picture of this as God’s presence and goodness is beautiful. 

The psalmist goes on to speak again of his suffering, it doesn’t go away just like that, but in repeating verse 5 he is reminding us to keep on speaking to our soul, to keep on reminding ourselves again and again to put our hope in God, to hunger and thirst for him. 

Think it over / Meditate on 

  • Are you thirsty for God? Do you ask the question “when can I go and meet with God?” 

  • Learn to speak to your own soul, we need to remind ourselves of God’s word in order to triumph over our own feelings. 

  • Allow God’s presence to sweep over you like a wave of love, peace and grace. 


Ben Parsons, Lead Pastor - Sutton Central location

Day 13 - Psalm 41

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Day 13 – Psalm 41 

David tells us that the Lord blesses those who look after the weak, God always looks out for and cares for those who are weak and in need, this was a large part of Jesus ministry, and today many great charities are founded and run by Christians seeking to do the same. 

It is part of God’s heart and so should be part of ours too. 

David speaks of being sick and his enemies taking advantage of that, (v8) but he acknowledges God alone is our healer (v3). 

Verses 8-13 show a double meaning again, David is speaking about himself, but these verses are also prophetic of Jesus. 

When Jesus died people thought it was the end (v8) 

In Verse 9 David speaks of being betrayed by a friend, this is also prophetic of Judas, Jesus friend who betrayed Him (see John 13:18-21) 

But Jesus was raised up that he may repay his enemy (Satan) (v10) 

Jesus pleases the Father in doing his will and Satan did not triumph over Him. (V11) 

Because of Jesus integrity (this word can also mean innocent or blameless) He was upheld and is now in the presence of God forever at his right hand (v12) 

Jesus is the Lord. 

“Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Amen and Amen.” 

Think it over / Meditate on: 

  • What is your opinion of the weak and needy? In what ways could you help them? Perhaps getting involved in Christian charities? Or starting one? 

  • Why is it important that God is from everlasting to everlasting? What does that mean about God’s character? 


Ben Parsons, Lead Pastor - Sutton Central location

Day 12 - Psalm 40

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Day 12 – Psalm 40 

We live in an instant gratification generation, we want higher speed broadband, 5G networks and why cook when you can order in? Patience is definitely not something most of us are known for! 

When it comes to God, sometimes we just need to slow down, and be patient, God isn’t slow, his timing is perfect, not only that, God knows the journey can be more important than the destination. 

David found himself in a sticky situation (v2) it can’t have been nice to be there, but he waited patiently and God hears his cry and lifted him out! 

David says he has a new song in his mouth, just this week I spoke with a new Christian, and they told me how they feel so uplifted and at peace. They have a knew song in their mouth, a hymn of praise to our God, you can’t sing praise and stay depressed! 

David makes an amazing statement in v6 - v7, the sacrifices and burnt offerings where commanded by God, but David says God did not desire them? v7 clarifies why, it speaks of Jesus, the prophets wrote about Jesus in a scroll. In fact Jesus reads one and says that it was written about him. (See Luke 4:16-21) 

All the sacrifices and offerings commanded by God pointed to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus, made once for all. God deepest desire was always to have a loving relationship with us through the sacrifice of Jesus. 

All those who know this should proclaim it as David says in v9-10. Jesus has saved us from the slimy pit and the world needs to hear how they can be saved too. 

In v16 David shows us the key to waiting patiently on the Lord. 

“May those who long for your saving help always say, ‘The Lord is great!’ ” 

As we wait on the Lord patiently we must always keep in mind and remind ourselves that the Lord is great, if the answer is ‘not yet’ then that is what is best for us. When we hold this perspective it enables us to wait patiently. 

Think it over / Meditate on:

  • Read v9-10 again and be honest with yourself and God, do you proclaim Jesus, or do you hide and conceal your faith making it personal to you only? 

  • Do you need to work on your patience? Are you waiting on God right now? Today remind yourself that ‘God is great’ and how that perspective allows you to wait on him. We have a recent podcast that expands further on the subject of patience available on the website (About Us - Podcasts). 


Ben Parsons, Lead Pastor - Sutton Central location